Sunday, February 05, 2006

Haha. That's my family photo... Took it when we all went to Moonfish restaurant at Millenia Walk for dinner. Can you spot me? (aiyo so wu liao!)
Yesterday was lulu's birthday! I don't know why, but I must've given the stupidest gift in the whole world! And to think i'd been planning it since last december (holiday time very boring so i just daydreamed the whole day long)!! AW MAN! On wednesday I went to the shop to buy lulu her birthday prezzie- the shirt. I wasn't quite sure if the shirt would fit so I queued up to try on the shirt in the fitting room and the saleslady was like, "Aiya you sure can wear one lah!" Then after buying the shirt i went to sports connection to buy a nalgene bottle for lulu... I didn't realise that I'd just bought everything PINK for lulu. AW MAN! (the bottle is the same one that charlotte and MISS CHUNG and MISS CHEN have) Aiyo another mistake lah... Most people always get stuffed toys and keychains and cutesy stuff for their bdaes, but I bought a water bottle. but a bottle would be useful... I guess... HAHA.
I LOVE THE SHIRT! It looks so spastic because I painted words on it! I think i painted the liangzi fan club logo and mottos and stuff like that. And in the front is an LZ and a red octopus. HAHA. My dog tried to go near the shirt while I was painting it and I shouted at her... AW MAN! my poor dog. aiyo anyway that's the second shirt I've painted- I practised on my old shirt and it didn't turn out that nice. fortunately (although I dont have any artistic skills) lulu's shirt is fine. AND I DON'T HAVE ARTISTIC SKILLS! AW MAN! what was i playing at, trying to paint a shirt when I've been getting C for art since primary one?! haha. lulu, i hope u still like the stuff, even if it's just a leeeeettle bit, i dont mind! haha! (:
HM. maybe I should NOT paint anymore shirts for the time being. there's too many paint stains on my table! haha!
AND agogo and I gave our testimonials in front of the whole congregation today! It was nerve-wrecking, coz both of us were shivering from head to toe! at least the testimonials were short and sweet!~