Monday, January 23, 2006
new specs! X)
Yeah baybeh i've got NEW specs! After GB i went and ate my dinner while playing the piano (oh wow multi-tasking?!)... Then dad mom and I rushed downstairs to accompany me to take new passport photos and to change my spectacles. On the way to the photo studio I got a call from the Chinese Orchestra IC [ohmygosh she rocks a lot! sounds so nice on the phone!]. She told me that I could go for tryouts this thursday and I told her about my sad sad plight in my current CCA so she told me that she'll put a little asterisk at my name [coz i told her i reeeeaaally wanted to join C.O]. Thank God lah, hope I can get into C.O!!!! When I hung up the phone I was like screaming in the void deck! my parents were really overjoyed as well. hahahax.Oh FINALLY my left and right eye are BOTH 75 degrees! That's relatively low, i guess. haha. I thought it was 125 degrees, but it turned out to be much lower! haha. After choosing so many different kinds of frames (the emo specs i wanted weren't sold there), I chose this slender pair of specs which was black and orange in colour. AHEM. reminds me of the pair of specs i made out of paper and zig markers this morning. AHEM. hahaha.
yay by the way, my maid aisha and I were comparing our favourite singers in each of the bands in Jungiery....
Favourite singer in 5566: val--> Wang Shaowei. aisha--> sun xiezhi.
Favourite in K-One: val--> Darren [mom likes JR]. aisha--> Liyang
Favourite in 183 Club: val--> Huang Yurong. aisha--> Yan Xing Shu
Favourite in 7 Flowers: val--> Wei Ru. aisha--> Xiao Qiao
Favourite in Typhoon: val--> Toro. aisha--> Toro. IT'S UNANIMOUS! HOORAY FOR TORO! X)
Favourite in Tai Ji: val--> Tai Rong. aisha--> yet to be chosen but i think she likes Tai Kai
Favourite in LALA: val-->anthony and jia en :D. aisha--> should be Huai En lah. or guan tou.
OKAY that's all and bear in mind that this is quite a wu liao post. HAHAHA! goodnight!