Thursday, August 20, 2009
birthday best
ah see i came back to update within less than a month (: JASON CAN OR NOT? i can't believe you still read my blog.................... :Peh!
now I feel a bit heart pain to move back to wordpress... so for now I shall just keep this blog alive by posting a little bit here and there until I have sufficient free time and boredom (i.e. after promos).
now before i continue on for studying for chem spa...
ehh especially to everyone who sent birthday greetings via sms or facebook or email or msn, 3Q people for the cards and the awesome blueberry cheesecake, anna and tandaoming for the presents, MTC youth people ahaha for your wishes and the ahem upcoming lunch ahem, good old wonderful nice old(ish) friends (i.e. cexiang yifang and william!), 401 people, and lovely chuiguan juniors!
to the ones who really made it awesomely speshul:
kennethchia you himbo housebunny!- for sending me birthday wishes with extra bunny-ness on msn, facebook and sms! congratz on getting into NYP :D
gourmet (and kiwi!)- for the two-way mirror (is this a sequel to last year's present) and SUPER CUTE DOMOKUN WHOSE NAME IS NOW MR PANGSAI (: the gourmet-kiwi
experience ftw! thanks for being my best buds since sec one (: totally can't live without you guys!
banana gang- six years of bff-ness and birthday smses! outing on saturday remember arhhh! got loads to catch up with yall!
the j2s sistaz- dear dear father sherman, boss and king chicken grace! for the ultra huge dino/dragon/buaya or whatever it's supposed to be, which yuyue wenting bau kenneth and i had to take turns lugging it! and the sexy underwear, the ice cream bubbles and the sweet porcine card! you guys are the best seniors/friends/sistaz ever :)
michysoh!- for the puchi puchi squeezing thing and your card ahh yes it's late but it was kemama-ly awesome, love you love you! oh and thankyou kemama too for your birthday sms we must all go sing K one day :D
hongbo!- for the little domo pouch who is now called PANGSAI JUNIOR :D and other stuff too ehehex
rjco!- for the awesome cake (: special mention to hubert haha
yuyue wenting bauuuu- for EVERYTHING. and i really mean everything. you know what i mean :) but i really loved the plushies you guys gave, and the super funny pink board with QUIZZES on them some more! you guys are all so busy and we're not in the same class some more, but I'm really thankful that three of you actually planned the whole thing so well and did all those sweet things :) dinner at newyorknewyork was nice wasn't it!!! i love you sisters haha :) yuson, tingston and baoson! xD
mr siahhhhhhhh- AH YOU AH :D i don't know how to put it but thanks for giving me probably the sweetest gift i've ever gotten in my whole life :) you know the rest! heheh you rock strongboi :D
yesterday was the most awesome day ever!
k back to chem spa!
Friday, July 31, 2009
absolutely insane resolutions to live by
going to proclaim this blog dead soon.:X but actually, I really like blogging though, just that I've been...
1) Busy
2) Lazy
3) Preoccupied with random musings of the day
4) Worried about the future
5) Too sleepy
6) Enjoying abit of life
and thus decided to go on hiatus.
Right, judging from the tagboard, since this blog is pretty much dead and all, maybe i should really make the big move to wordpress. Since I've sort of grown out of the frilly colourful blogskins and avatars phase already. THAT'S LIKE, SO SECONDARY SCHOOL-ISH. +_+
ah okay finished studying for chem spa! :)
:) sometimes wonder if it's really true, if the possibility of it happening is even something worth thinking about.
I wonder. if that really IS the choice, why this, and not the other?
I wonder.
(perplexed mode)
Monday, April 20, 2009
and does it?
HAIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. D:feeling extremely weird.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
the deadest blog!
YES FINE THIS IS PROBABLY THE DEADEST BLOG AROUND.but hmmms so much stuff that has been going on super busy where got time to blog you tell me!?
oh wells yeah so now blogging isn't really my top priority these days.
gah syfsyfsyfsyfsyfsyf is coming up hmhmms jiayou dear little rgco juniors THE BUNCH OF US WILL BE THERE TO SUPPORT YOU GUYS ON 21st APRIL :)
gahaha rjco's getting more fun these days (: shengsuo ftw (:
ahhh yes and the yearly Idol craze is back again!
that will be all. happy easter! xD
yours till the chocolate melts!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
head over heels in the moment
Lovebug - Jonas Brothers :)Called you for the first time yesterday
I finally found the missing part of me
I felt so close but you were far away
Left me without anything to say
Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
I can't get your smile out of my mind(I can't get you outta my mind)
I think about your eyes all the timeY
ou're beautiful but you don't even try(You don't even, don't even try)
Modesty is just so hard to find
Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
I kissed her for the first time yesterday
Everything I wished that it would be
Suddenly I forgot how to speak
Hopeless, breathless, baby can't you see?
Now I'm...
Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Now I'm hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
Oh! Lovebug again
♥ this song manymuchly :)
MUSICFESTE rehearsal was super fun today oh mans! MR's so totally gonna win something tomorrow if not first then second if not second then third but first of course! :) with all the pizza and the mugging and the jokes on the microphone and blaring random notes on lucas' euphonium and shanin's violin!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
top o' the morning!
10S03Q (: that's my class.
And they're a pretty nice bunch of people, considering how much time i'll be spending with them for the whole of two years.
Best thing is, I knew loads of people in class already like celine the rubbish bean, which means i'd be in the bean's class for ehhh four years? coolz B-) haha and abel also. which means monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday (ocassionally) saturday and sundays of abel B-)
and almost everybody seems to get high quite often like me! especially rachel and lingli the two dodos singing their bearbear song in the canteen after PE and the whole class turning into a human ZOO and making far too much noise in the library.
yeah man thank God for a nice class!
TUTORIALS GALORE already and so far I still have chem tutorial and half of bio left to go. Plus a whole stack of readings which I'll probably find time to catch up on in the toilet or something :O
Ah well. Still rather euphoric because my itunes songs have increased by the hundreds, thanks to to willettewee and a couple of other trusty companions *smirks*. But then again I'll have to find a relatively free day to dump in all the songs into my iPod and redo my playlists. :)
Contemplating whether to make the big move to wordpress. Probably 'coz it's more private and all (and no one can search the stuff you write on the net). Don't know whether I should still entrust the internet with my most private thoughts.
Perhaps not.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
O'CD i love! (:
ORIENTATION! (: shall let the pictures do the talking for now first!doing the mamma mia 1234 thing
haha yep that was rj orientation '09 O'TIERO :)
So I shall try to give a not-too-draggy but nice post on orientation, even though well it happened more than a week ago already.
day 1
kind of nervous about orientation but was much much much happier when I found out that I knew most of the girls in our OG except larissa kailin and yuheng. So honestly it was like super super awkward, they should have taken a photo of us all squashed up in a very distorted circle, girls on one side and guys on the other and completely not talking to each other! And then there's our OGLs yingching (waiky!!) alina and alaric who were busy collecting forms and money from us. Well it was just pretty awkward and if not for the fact that dear gourmet #4 willettewee and ahma and tricia and annie were there, it'd have been very strange for me and I would not have talked that much I guess.
The station games were pretty cool. Especially the scissors paper stone one where you have to slide your iron butt across the chairs. And sucking up to the station masters. And sai's "BAYWATCH LIFEGUARD!!!!!!" during charades! xD
Ah I don't remember anything extremely eventful about day one apart from the below five random facts:
1) We formed a family made out of ahma, tricia (ah gong!), yuheng and kailin (the couple!), me (auntie mui / mui yi) and willettewee (auntie mui's relative)!
2) I hardly talked to any of the guys.........
3) .... except brian BRAIN and bryan my dance partner, because I was sandwiched in between them during icebreakers!
4) sumo was super amusing even on the first day. :D
5) I thought siva was sai and that sai was siva.
day 2
oh I realise that this is becoming a super long post but gah never mind I'll just carry on because it's getting to the exciting part! *giggles*
day two was sooooooooooo much fun coz so many crazy things happened to us on that day. And I think no other OG would've experienced what we did!
Dance was.... spectacular.
Discovered that I wasn't exactly such a horrible dancer as I thought even though I still think I can't dance for nuts. And bryan is secretly good no matter how much he says he can't dance that crazy (hahaha) pok! Ahma's partner on that day was brain, who was I think almost three heads taller than her (depending on the size of the head you use to measure), so when they had to do the twirling and stuff it was so hilarious! Then there's annie and benlow and wayne and willette the FAILED DANCE PARTNERS who aren't that fail also lah. Karan was so good at dancing that he made kailin strrrrrrrrrrressed!
Actually we were quite good from the beginning, like we managed to complete alot of things and ran all the way back to the checkpoint to get earlybird before discovering that so many other groups already got the earlybird points :O then we had lunch at toa payoh macs, and went to the MRT station.
Then wayne disappeared!
: O
So just as a bunch of us was about to board the MRT train, our OGLs stopped us and told us that wayne was being detained by a security guard because they thought he was a terrorist. Everyone was going nuts at that time, like annie actually smsed / called him, and alot of us wanted to go up to look for him but the 3 OGLs kept telling us not to. We waited for close to 45 min but we were secretly enjoying the nice aircon and large open space of the MRT station, and not having to run around everywhere like crazy looking for checkpoints. And we camwhored alot! After awhile then we were told to go to dhoby first so we went and that's when we found out WE GOT TOTALLY SCAMMED BY OUR OGLs nyehhhhhhhh : X
What happened was that wayne lost his wallet somewhere along the way from macs to the MRT station, but we didn't notice he was missing at the gantry because he was behind with his ben low all the while. So qian bian benlow actually knew about the scam but didn't tell us so we were feeling pretty stupid about it! :) ah never mind the camwhoring at the MRT was nice OG bonding!
We got 2nd last for EA but we didn't really care luh coz we had so much fun :) especially at dinner too when we koped so many vouchers from the manhattan fish market promoter girl who I think was super happy when close to 20 of us all chiong-ed into the restaurant for our OG dinner. Camwhored like mad, went nuts in the toilet, took BRUDDER photos of benlow and wayne, celebrated all the january babies' birthdays with a nice cake, etc. you get the picture.
but day 2 was super super super super fun! xD
day 3 and 4
War games was crazy as hell but super fun, willette and I managed to save sumo, brain and marcus during the Strip Me If You Can game. Girls were going nuts everywhere chasing guys and pulling their shirts..... I saw someone who actually pulled a guy's shirt until his whole body was exposed so you can imagine how much his shirt must have expanded...
And MR won the chopsticks game because all of us were ganging up against BB and MT, especially MT which was super difficult to cross because their defenders were dreadfully scary. Day four was also quite slack, just learn the rain dance and the whole mass dance and we could go off :) so almost all of us except lari sujin karan and brain went off to pastamania j8 for lunch! (: played the I HAVE NEVER game and lost after annie and wayne did... not surprising though coz all of us were trying to sabo both of them especially with annie's academic and music stuff which none of us have seriously accomplished besides the genius herself :D
Shopping was quite fun although there was just wayne sumo tricia willette and myself, we got loads of nice snacks and sumo almost ALMOST bought this big takeaway yusheng set for Take 5. O_O and somehow all of us knew every song that was playing in the NTUC supermarket, probably coz they were all oldies and our parents listened to loads of them in the car like on 90.5fm!
day5! TAKE 5 + O'NIGHT!
SUPER FUN. as usual.
A couple of us met up at pasir ris MRT, then took a bus down to pasir ris park instead of the shuttle coz we didn't want to be part of the big big big big big crowd. We didn't sign up for anything as an OG, but most of us (tricia yuheng annie ahma willette wayne benlow sumo austin and me) went to the huge playground and spent loads of time there camwhoring and reliving our childhood days O_O The kindergarten kids at the colourful playground actually told us "Don't scare my friend!" and we were like uh oh are we THAT intimidating?! I think because we were all very much taller than them and were shouting and screaming alot when we were camwhoring on the wobbly metal bar.
We video-ed the four guys dancing our mass dance on the wobbly suspension bridge where wayne kept losing his balance, benlow wanted to cheat, sumo looked pretty steady and austin looked like a stone on a shaky pile of wood. :D we sang for them okay and we sang very VERY well.
After that us girls also had to dance in public too so we went near the cycling path where there were loads of big trees at the side and we started doing bollywood. After we danced then viva la SIVA came along, so we made him do a forfeit for being ultra late- he danced the mass dance and we also did the rain AND sun dance for the fun of it :D
After take 5 we went to lido to have lunch + watch BENJAMIN BUTTON with the rest of the MRians. The show was really nice but the drawback was that it was so long that anyone'd inevitably fall asleep. I fell asleep thrice and siva was like "oh no wonder so quiet lah!". So in my row we had siva sitting at the edge where we both plonked our barang barang at the aisle, then me, ahma, tricia, willette, alaric, waiky and alina. AH VERY COOL SEATING ARRANGEMENT.
I think wilz and tricia got the worst because they were crammed right in between two groups of extremely noisy people who say all sorts of anti-climax things during the movie, and waiky's crazy THOMSON PLAZA OLD LADY story which made us go crazy during one part of the movie which was supposed to be extremely sad!
Rushed back to school for O'night after that, had a whale of a time camwhoring and laughing at each other being nerds/preps, camwhored so much that the photos and videos are still spamming my camera, then went to thomson prata house for a late dinner! :) lathiga was super amused and fascinated by wayne and benlow's uhhhhhh LOVE and their synchro actions, she swapped places with willette to sit directly opposite them and started taking alot of photos of them with my camera O_O and having to listen to sumo's extremely funny jokes! haha wish we could've spent longer time with MR03 on O'night. Ah well. :)
ahma annie austin benlow brain bryan kailin karan larissa matthew marcus sai siva sujin sumo tricia valteo wayne willettewee yuheng and OGLs waiky alina and alaric! :D :D :D
and i'm seeing these guys tomorrow morning at the amphi! :)
ah yeah there are loads more photos on my facebook. As if you didn't know! HOORAH