Friday, August 10, 2007
scared scared scared, really week will be some great KILLER WEEK. (quoted frm valsoh) and i really mean killer week.
so many last minute changes and stuff left right and center, my head's going to spin madly on.
seems like i'm using a lot of people's msn nicks in this post.
seems like i'm using a lot of people's msn nicks in this post.
everything crammed and jammed and packed into weeks 8-10. even a real octopus, a real one with 8 tentacles and huge qian bian eyes and a huge forehead and lives under the sea and everything, wouldn't be able to survive. what more a human octopus? haha.
but yes I WILL SURVIVE! as usual! come out barely alive, but still alive and not very well :) thank God I come out alive so many times after so many brushes with erm death!
and yup it just crossed my mind how much rss opening ceremony last friday rocked. thanks all you people- karmin jiajun benwee shangxuan, the two nice secfour guys (can't rmb your names lar!!) and the teachers n everything. the concert was cool, at least i didn't mess up the song and well the string quartet's medley and benwee's arrangment skills and jiajun's singing are like PRO :)
and speaking of that.
yeah sorry for being so -erm- indecisive? or irritating? about the whole thing. i really wanted to do it when we first came up with the idea on concert night, but now suddenly everything's falling on me like some great avalanche, and so i can't do it anymore. yup but anyway, jiayou to yall for the medley, i'm sure yall will go rock the hall! and make sure the small kids are enchanted by your playing k! :D
i miss co alot. there's not much laughter in life now, and chuiguan's just the thing to supply anyone with enough laughter to last a lifetime <3<3<3
and now, back to bio! hah.