Tuesday, June 26, 2007
school's in!I actually posted something on sunday but that post has somewhat disappeared. hmm.
wahaha ymep today was fun as usual, and our group was quite productive compared to other sessions (: our agenda was pretty funny and there were people singing ktv very very loudly right next door, so we were sort of trying to contain our laughter when they hit high notes. not that we're good singers, but still, haha. hooray for our first song, which is nearly done after one more line of the second verse and the song arrangment! valsoh the pro sort of came up with a verse and pre chorus and chorus of the second song. Our weekly invasions into the otherwise nice and quiet little room are so super fun, at the end of every session you can see the whiteboard scribbled with all sorts of rubbish and doodles. today was a doodle of mr hideaki (with the crow feet!) and a certain *ahem* limes crossword puzzle. cheryl got writers block for the lyrics today but who cares, the rest of the song she wrote was nice! the lyrics are so corny they make my hair stand, but since love songs are kind of supposed to be corny then LET IT BE. :D yeahh power to VVC and hogs!
haha and my teeth hurt from having a slightly tighter and thicker wire for my braces. how am I supposed to eat!? hooray, 3rd lang tomorrow! this means more time to get high with baomeili and bong and cheriel (: