Sunday, June 04, 2006
my love for CDs!
Collecting chinese music CDs is my favourite hobby! hmmhmm yes this is my 5566 CD collection. Actually i've got two versions of the first and second album and THREE versions of the latest album (hao2 jiu3 bu4 jian4). And their 2003 and 2004 concert DVDs.and THIS is my beloved j-stars CD collection! haha. got typhoon, 183 Club, 7 flowers and K-One. heehee actually there's A LOT more like ai de qi ji and the recently released magicians of love soundtrack by 183 Club :)
AHHHHH I am simply sharing photos here to while my time and boredom away. Last night I was doing paper mache for my lit and finished only the FRONT page in 2 solid hours. I'm going to engage myself in more enjoyable activities this week for sure. ARGH and calling all you seafood family members! We need to do our filming some time this week if possible!! :D