Monday, March 13, 2006
Remembering 102
Ah. I shall dedicate this post to all of last year's 102ers!especially the spicebabes and BALULU and last year's term 3+4 group!
I love my group man! magdaboon, me, irmelia balulu, kiwi, jamie and of coz my dear lion king xiao yan! hmm. let's start with math.
irmelia and i were never good at math. NEVER. We'd always copy all the answers to the worksheets from a very disgruntled xiaoyan or get free tuition from magdaboon (which never worked anyway). Then we would count down how many minutes left until math was over... and when the bell rang during miss ha's lesson irmelia said,
"RING, the bell RANG!"
omg! that's our trademark! after that we were going "ding the dong dang", "bing the bong bang" and whatever nonsense! but it was fun. We always made empty promises to finish those revolting algebraic equations before going for recess. I only started really mugging for math during term 4. and the mugging paid off a lot. YAY irmelia math was fun!
the most interesting of them all- Geog and History.
The two killer humans topics! ARGH! It made my blood boil to see irmelia get 14/15 for geog and high high marks for history!! and i always got 5! hmph. I was never good at history but history is more fun than geog.
There is ONE incident during geog which none of us would ever forget.
I was stuffing myself with water while miss wong was teaching about agriculture. Then suddenly miss wong said, "xiao yan, what are you doing?!!" I turned around and burst out laughing for no reason and unfortunately the water in my mouth went spraying out in different directions. Magdaboon and irmelia were soaked. and there was water on the floor too! haiz. After that miss wong pronounced me "totally mad". xiaoyan went hysterical.
On the other hand, there are COUNTLESS incidents during History which none of us would ever forget.
Having xiaoyan sitting behind you spells calamity, disaster, etc. She has the ability to make everyone around her go crazy just like her. which explains why im such a lunatic. miss tay was teaching about reliability of sources or something like that and she had to write stuff on the whiteboard. while irmelia and magdaboon and i were BEING GUAI AND COPYING THE STUFF ON THE BOARD, we heard xiaoyan laughing like crazy. So I turned around and the moment I saw her i started laughing for no reason and pretty soon everyone was laughing. The problem was that we didn't even know why we were laughing but everything just seemed so funny! We kept on laughing throughout the whole entire lesson and it was so torturing to stifle our laughter each time miss tay turned around to face the class. Haiz anyway miss tay asked us why we were laughing and we didn't know why we were laughing!! Even during the lesson after history, we were still laughing away. haha. HAHA.
oh yes. the SONG. the moment i returned to class during recess, irmelia and atiqa were like, "VALTEO DANCE WITH US!" and i asked them why in the world they were singing a whole song filled with gays and tays and days and ebays and horses. Well anyway i figured that it was a surprise teachers day song for miss tay so i was like, "NO WAY i will NOT look like a dancing fat elephant in front of the whole class and miss tay lah!"
And that is how i ended up sitting on the floor doing the silly sound effects, which included neighing like a crazy horse, auctioning miss tay and doing background singing. OH MAN!
now for english.
english was one of those lessons where you could multi-task. listen to snoopy and draw nonsensical stuff on pieces of paper at the same time. when snoopy went for reservist, we had a substitute teacher called mrs siao. the whole group loved to comment about her incredibly blonde hair and how she matched her clothes with her shoes, earrings and nail polish. One day during her lesson irmelia and i couldnt concentrate at all so we took out a piece of paper and drew all sorts of pictures of chen lulu and octopuses on them. We created the chen lulu and the causeway point cow story remember?!! omg lulu was going berserk when she saw it.
I had a dream of ivan soh once and it was totally horrible. It involved vera, annie, myself, changi beach, a hut full of PITs and my dad. We called it "Ivan Soh and the Hut of Terror" and made it into a comic (which i accidentally threw away). ohohoho.
HAIZ! I LOVE 102 SO MUCH! I wish we never got seperated because life without the spicebabes and irmelia and magdaboon and chen lulu and xiaoyan is really sad!
Visit 102's class blog (the template is still not done up yet)!!
102! No one else gonna play like you!
You guys better score that net
Coz we ain't just gonna lose out like that
102's not gonna slack, girl,
102's not gonna slack YO!

You are Zax wang Ren Fu!
Which member of 5566 are you?