Thursday, July 17, 2008
three days.
This appears to be some sort of countdown to concert, from six, to five, to four....... and now three.I have never felt so productive yet so unproductive in my life. Productive in terms of music I s'pose, 'cause besides being able to devote at least an hour to piano during this crazy holiday, at least shengsuo (alright then, so I don't really know about dizi) has seriously improved by leaps and bounds. Miraculously my fear of fears- gaosuo going horribly off-pitch- probably won't be realised during Concert. Everyone's pitch is just getting better, my two little gaosuo juniors have (honestly) been astounding me with their better-than-usual pitch and committment time and again these few days of intensive prac. Zhongsuo's doing great. And stuff just seems to be falling into place now- programme booklets printed and delivered, the fickleness (is there such a word?) of wangls quelled by me and bao, chuida shirt's nice and has been delivered after some tumultous days of non-stop worrying and settling things, etc.
Guess it's quite evident that chuiguan's finally feeling the rushing sense of urgency to make Concert '08 right.
And I should really be doing math. I'm torn between two things now- geog PT or math? Ho well. Half an hour of math and another half of geog PT lor. Better than nothing. Destressing time with willette and jass was super fun just now, after CO I think the three of us totally lost our marbles. Our gaohu-erhu-zhongsuo changdi trio, and the two of them attempting to play my own written version of the phuachukang theme song! xD It turned out quite nice leh! I should seriously consider selling the scores I wrote out of pure boredom during molou and juhuatai practices.
Okay. Current mode of destressing: having somewhat illegal phonecalls with willette and bao, playing six-minute rounds of freaky factory, davidcook, going online just to see who from CO is on, sleeping, stoning, playing veryveryveryvery nice final fantasy + pokemon songs, drinking water.
p.s. thanks tien! <3