Sunday, October 01, 2006
I think I'm becoming randomized due to the large amounts of work that keeps coming in. GRAH.history rocks. which is really saying something, considering the fact that i've never been really good at history.
my thighs feel like there are springs in them, especially watching this aerobics video on TV just now.
The best thing is that MY POTTER FEVER IS BACK! thanks to my funkaye RS group! Last sunday we went to kiwi's house to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for RS. I watched the whole DVD almost every day (but only for like 5 minutes or so) after that. And the best best best thing was that I spent seven hours watching the whole show. It was really comical 'cos I was analysing the film. I had to practically break the whole film apart into very tiny sections, typing down the details of the setting, sequence of events and stuff like that. Hooray, I can memorize all of Voldemort's lines. woot kayleigh's analysing the BOOK and kiwi and I are going to do comparisons between the film and book tomorrow. RS, RS, RS. sometimes RS is quite fun, especially if you get to analyse a film and book you really really really are nuts about.
and now for a very random picture:
the carpark at my house. can see it from my bedroom. Oh wow I see my dad's silver van. do you? :D