Wednesday, September 13, 2006

tralalala i have nothing to do now.
actually i have ALOT of things to do.
Today's quite a good day.
because I finished Saving Fish From Drowning!! I can finally do my book review!
but FIRST I have to do jian bao. THEN i have to do something else er what was that? oh yeah, philo. We're doing this euthanasia presentation tomorrow and it just so happens that by a stroke of good luck, the side our group has to take is AGAINST euthanasia. I think those doing FOR euthanasia will have a much easier time.
hooray thank you valsoh moony shevaun and xiner for helping with philo!! (:
I have decided that i'm going to blog for only once a week because there's simply not enough time!! so bye-bye for a little while.

Octeopus rambled on and on and on, on 7:24 PM.