Thursday, September 11, 2008
my mushroom (and superband) pwns!
Butbutbut it was pretty fun 'coz we were busy playing random things on the piano and eating and eating and eating some more and squeeeeeeezing the little tubes of fabric paint till we had numb thumbs and WATCHING SUPERBAND VIDEOS :) gourmet's new favourite pasttime! which reminds me. valsoh has a pronounciation AND balancing problem. seriously.
1) valsoh pronounces LOIS as LOYSE. .... we were watching family guy. and hyperventilating over it. again.
2) valsoh was groping (sounds wrong zomg) about in the train while talking to us and accidentally mistook a poor innocent woman's arm for the POLE.
but i think gourmet's present turned out pretty nice don't you think! Too bad we didn't get to take a photo of the shirt because we were too busy laughing at it.
Who's got a shirt with an oddly-shaped polkadotted tie, a BEACH BALL (babe), random quotes, Edna Mode's surname and a star that has disgusting armpit hair, and truckloads of love?
hope you had fun willettewee BECAUSE WE DID! (especially the lunch @ BK which went from moderate to hyper to super hyper to extreme SOAP MODE to super nuah.) Heh heh.
us two! :)
It was super cool I tell you if I had blogged about this on Monday night I probably wouldn't be able to sleep after that. Seriously I slept at 2 that night because I couldn't stop looking at the pictures in my camera. We mustmustmustmustmust thank yuanjun for managing to get so many tickets and for being super generous to let us have them! We didn't get to sit together (coz shimin yitong and her sister were sitting with yishijie and me and moose at DFC) but we had super loads of fun before and after that! Especially admiring the pretty big houses on the way to mediacorp. ONE DAY we'll each own a house that big and invite each other over. AND if we ever want to go watch superband next time then we won't have to walk so far. :)
probably going to the roadshow this saturday! :) anyone coming along? (VALSOH I'M DRAGGING YOU THERE)
oh yesyesyes kenneth please be a himbo instead of a bimbo okay. :D