Tuesday, August 08, 2006
national day+dee!
hello!today was very VERY enjoyable. very enjoyable day.
1) National day celebrations in sch
It was kind of fun but honestly the competitions segment was quite boring. Good thing I was sitting with two other crazy persons and one EXTREMELY CRAZY MUSHROOM. dorcas valsoh and willette. To while the time away we just talked alot of humorous rubbish (in other words, crap.) and occasionally stood near the staircase at the koi pond to spy on cindy...
At one point of time I dragged salmon over to join the insane party but salmon's never really that crazy so she was laughing all the way.
I suddenly thought of John Cage, a composer we'd just learnt about during MEP yesterday. It just so happens that willette likes Cage. Then while bean was poring over the john cage handouts during MEP, she pointed out that JOHN CAGE COLLECTS MUSHROOMS. in other words Cage collects willettes. Dorcas and valsoh and I were laughing like crazy and I laughed so hard until I started crying and couldn't stop until ms loo started staring at us. haha. fun MEP moments!
I guess everyone's heard of Xi You Ji (journey to the west) before.
So salmon was offered as a sacrifice to willette the MUSHROOM GOD. so now willette is sun wu kong (actually was mo gu kong). valsoh's sun wu kong's sidekick i think but i forgot which one.. I'm the zhu ba jie. the pig. Salmon's the MONK and dorcas is well.. DODO FISHBALL.
Which led us to start a whole mad discussion on funny tv advertisements like the destinee jewelry one, huggies, DODO FISHBALLS and of course the stupid baby biscuit advertisement. baby mama. yucks I freak out everytime I see that advertisment.
lai, baby yi pian, mama yi pian!
We were super enthu during community singing and jumping around... the best was chan mali chan, we shouted HOI HOI the loudest. And we saw some teachers dancing!!!
2) going out with dee!
Dee wanted to go out with the class after n-day celebrations but most of us couldn't make it because of Speech Day, so it was reduced to just valsoh, moony, charlotte, dee and I.
On the way to Shaw Centre, moony declared how inspired she was to sing the BEAN THEME SONG. We've all been inspired by ruixin! Charlotte, moony and I sang the bean song as we went up the long escalator to the cinema while poor val soh was freaking out! Valsoh get into the bean fever lar! We took half an hour to decide what to eat and towards the end of our early early lunch dee finally arrived. We decided to watch CLICK and after buying the tickets we went down to walk around some more. We went to one of the neighbouring malls and we sang the bean song all the way there. I think we were sort of "troublemakers" 'cause when we went to the CD shop valsoh accidentally tipped over a pile of CDs. then valsoh and charlotte took a picture of themselves wearing hats in the roxy shop and got scolded by the shopkeeper.
ahhh... i saw posters of wangleehom hanging in the fossil watch shop! I shall get a fossil watch one day. GASP GASP GASP (:
We went back to Shaw Centre again and this time, charlotte, moony and I stood right in the middle of the whole mall on the third floor. We got quite a good view of everyone and every level of the mall. AND WE STARTED SINGING THE BEAN SONG. Charlotte never manages to sing the whole song properly coz she ends up laughing! Moony has a very good voice! While we were singing the marshmallow-faced auntie on the escalator stared back at us. Oops we forgot to cover our mouths. (:
After trip to the toilet we bought this huge box of popcorn and a drink and went into the largest cinema.. It was so erm ENCHANTING. I've never seen such a huge cinema in my entire life! See how sua ku I am.
Moony, charlotte and I were going crazy over the HUBBA-BUBBA HABEEBOO! Imagine if we could use such a remote control during lessons. wooot then we'd be able to sleep in class! xD
We sang the bean song in the underpass and right after we ended our song, a group of students doing flag day started singing their song. The bean choir does inspire people to use the wonderful vocal chords they have been endowed with.
This weird american guy started making a funny EH-EH-EH noise when he was walking behind us. Valsoh thought she was hallucinating but we all heard the noise too! Crazy guy...
The best part of the whole train ride was that..
too bad moony didn't take the same train as us! Charlotte and I were laughing like crazy in the train because we were standing right next to the hubba-bubba.
after char and valsoh alighted only dee and i were left and we got off at tampines.. Ahh... I'll miss you dee!!
I got 23/43 for ting xie and I have to copy down ALL FORTY-THREE WORDS TEN TIMES.
Isn't that madness? Once I'd finished the incredible two-hour feat I collapsed on the bed and slept for 45 minutes. Then I watched Ju-On.
I love ju on! but the ending's a bit sad.
back to work now. tomorrow i'll be in church practicing for skit and i can't believe im acting as a MIDDLE-AGED HOUSEWIFE. oohlala. why couldn't i be the calafair waitresses! (:
byes! happy birthday singapore!