Thursday, August 25, 2005

yayys! this afternoon i found out that my piano teacher was going to give birth [ohno] so she'd cancelled this week's piano lesson. She won't be resuming lessons until November. >.<
Today i went to the WONDERFUL BIOLOGY LAB! Oh man the lab is the most high-tech place in the whole school, and it has this nice smell of antiseptic cream or something. Ahh here's a very short conversation i had with mr soh.
me: "Mr soh, are there like any fetuses in this lab?" [looking extremely excited]
mr soh: "oh yah, sure, got!!" [nods his head very vigorously]
me: "oh good got human fetus anot?"
mr soh: "no lah! no human baby lah..."
me: "well then that's too bad."
YAH isn't it so cool? I think the air con in the labs are to keep the fetuses nice and cool and preserved... During bio i walked around the lab looking for fetuses but all i found were plastic models of the human body. Then while i was waiting for Jingwei to follow me back to class, I spotted this store room which was much colder than the lab... and there was this HUGE freezer box in the room. Probably they kept animal fetuses in that box, because the temperature in the freezer was actually lower than -20 degrees celsius! OH MY GAWSH! I almost went into the room but out came this teacher who was carrying bottles with weird looking stuff floating in them. Possibly a rabbit or cat fetus? I'm nuts over fetuses.
And speaking of fetuses, I spent three hours watching a documentary called "In The Womb". They put these special cameras into pregnant women and they can actually capture how the fetus forms and how it looks like. Then while i was practising algebra [and watching that show], the commentary in the show said "At 33 Weeks, the baby is inverted upside down, blah blah blah, and the mother is ready to give birth when she has stomach contractions. blah blah blah."
Then they filmed this pregnant woman who was in great labour pain and suddenly the baby's head came out, and it was all green and bloody and sticky and the woman kept screaming like a banshee... And suddenly i couldnt really breathe and my dinner and supper all sprayed out of my mouth.. Too bad, i vomited on my Sec 2 textbook. Then i ran to the toilet and choked like mad. Then i ran back to watch the show again, and a few minutes later i was puking all over the toilet bowl. EW.
definitely i can infer one thing. i am not going to get pregnant until I don't puke when i watch pregnancy videos. YUCK YUCK YUCK... all mothers really totally rawk...
~hasta la vista

Octeopus rambled on and on and on, on 6:32 PM.