Wednesday, May 11, 2005
OH NOOOO!!! I am so dead! i don't think I can ever, EVER face mr lim again. oh no!! I was doing the stupid thing at the stupid time!Today, there was philosophy and speech and drama. I was on my way to speech and drama with nadia while the other half of the class was settling down in the philo room with mr lim. Then... Nadia started talking to me about foot drills, and NCC. Then she went upstairs to the speech and drama room. I, however, wanted to wait for my friends so I stood at the foot of the stairs which were facing the philo room. And I allowed my innocent childish mind to associate NCC with rifles, then revolvers, which finally materialised in my head as big, powerful laser guns used by space fighters in combat. Stooopid me! Then I started making gunshot noises (which were thankfully not very audible), stretched out my hands and pretended that I was holding a laser gun. Then I spun around "shooting" everyone. I chased my friends up the stairs, screaming "I got you and now you're dead! BANG BANG BANG!" and other childish phrases... And EVERYONE in the philo room could see me shooting around, including mr lim. OH NO!!! I was shooting halfway when I caught a glimpse of mr lim rolling his eyes at me. NOOOO! i bet mr lim thinks i am a highly stooopid girl who can write unbelievably good but morbid compositions. THIS IS HIGHLY EMBARRASSING! I was so nervous during English later on. I was worried that mr lim would scold me or something but in the end, he didn't. Hmmm, I must learn NOT TO PLAY PRETEND on my way to speech and drama class. I have been playing pretend for many weeks, and two weeks ago I imagined myself as a pilot flying up the stairs, catching squirrels. Bah I hope mr lim didn't see me "flying" my "helicopter"...